Friday, August 28, 2009

How to Promote a Blog in Search Engines

Here Is a little step by step Instruction Suggestion on selecting a particular topic:-

Step 1

If you want to reach a more general audience, find out which subjects sell, write about topics relevant to people.: family (child care, parenting, home, budget, money/savings,) friends, work, church, personal life, feelings, thoughts, food, drink, occasions, and others. You can also begin by browsing topics on e-how so you will have an idea.

Step 2

Another strategy is to write topics people have not written yet! You can be creative to think of how to make your article really unique.

Step 3

A reminder is to have a great title (to catch attention), a persuasive motivator (to keep the audience reading, stating how reading your article will benefit the readers), and state your references/resources.

Step 4

Most importantly, write about what inspires you or what you find interesting. You can base it from your experience each day. Love what you’re doing (such as writing), then it will just come out naturally.

How to Promote your Blog :-

In this crazy world of information promoting your blog has become a nerve wrecking endeavor . We all know the various ways in which you can
promote your blog but sometimes it just gets too crowded . Here is a way to tackle blog promotion with the use of comments .

Things You'll Need:
Browser with good bookmarking capabilities .

Step 1

Research and lecture ! Find the blogs in your niche , big or small , and make sure you get a list ready with them . Once you've done that just start browsing and reading . Get an opinion , get to know people.

Step 2

Create 3 folders in your browser bookmark manager . The folders should be in the lines of : New Ongoing Dead

Step 3

Start commenting . And bookmark the articles on which you comment . Place the ones that you just commented in 'New' . Place the ones that have already received answers in 'Dead' . And for the comments that sparked a discussion use 'Ongoing' . That's it . A simple technique to keep your comments clean with the use of bookmarks .

Tips & Warnings

1.Do not forget about comments . Make sure you keep them in check and place them in their proper category . Only the 'Dead' articles can be forgotten .

2.Besides this method you could simply create a junk email address and use it for all your commenting needs . Most blogs offer the possibility to subscribe via email to a certain article's comments .

3.And as always : don't spam . Don't comment just to get your link there . Comment only if you truly have something to add to the discussion .

How to use Google Ad sense on your blog:-

Google Ad sense is one important part of a blog. It is the program that brings the money to your efforts of publishing your blog. If you are unfamiliar with Google Ad sense, before you begin on your blog, you should take a minute to find out how Google Ad sense on your blog works. Here is a Step by Step Instructions

Step 1

Start by going to several blogs you read on a regular basis. Take a minute to look at all the ads around the words published (and photos) on the page. The majority of these ads come from Google Adsense.

Step 2

Take a moment to review the half dozen videos presentations google provides in showing how to pick keywords and placements.

Step 3

Pay particular attention to how keywords influence the ads around your blog and how you need to focus on using the proper keywords to make the most money for your blog.

Step 5

After you have digested all the information about how the program works, you now need to decide if you want to participate. If you feel you have a greater understanding on how this can help your blog, then immediately start the process of getting a publishing account.

Step 6
Once your publishing account is accepted, you next step is to put your ad sense number on your published blog account. This will start your journey to making money online!