Thursday, July 30, 2009

4 Keys To Peak Performance

We cheer them on at sporting events. They lift our spirits and inspire us during good movies and theater performances. We open our hearts and minds to them when we hear their speeches.

There is no doubt about it, peak performers touch us in ways no one else can. Why is that? What is it that makes us cheer? Why do we instantly flood our bodies with emotions when they touch us?

Deep inside each of us we have the natural desire to perform at our peak. When we see someone perform at peak, internally we yearn to release our own greatness. It brings to surface our own hidden desires.

Being a top performer is something anyone can accomplish. The following four principles are triggers for releasing optimal results in anything we chose.

1) Step away from the crowd; Statistics prove only 3% in any given field reign as top performers. Whether you are talking business, sports, or the arts, most of the 97% are average at best. The rest linger on just doing enough to barely get by. Therefore the first step in becoming a peak performer is to separate ourselves from the crowd. Top performers know that mediocrity is the norm. Fear has become the dominating thought of these in the 97%. They fear looking bad. They fear failure. Many even fear success.

Peak performers distance themselves from this crowd. They courageously move beyond fear. No one ever wants to look bad, but peak performers never allow that fear to take hold of them. They negotiate risk intelligently. And although at times plans don’t work out as expected, they find something within the supposed failure to make the next attempt that much better.

Look at what the 97% of the people in your industry do, and then do the exact opposite. That is the first step to standing out within your field.

2) Do more than what is expected; Learn to consistently demand more from yourself than anyone could ever expect of you. Remember, most of the 97% are either sitting on mediocrity or just getting by. Expectations are low to begin with. You would be surprised to learn how little demanding more of yourself really is. It could be just 5 more sales calls. Or reading one more book this month. Or it could be even inspiring just one more person.

The difference between good and great isn’t huge. In fact, the difference is so small it’s a shame that most people never even try. But because of that, because people don’t do the little things that can move them from good to great, it leaves a void for us to easily fill. The “great” spots are wide open, waiting for us to jump right in.

Find what you need do to demand more of yourself. It doesn’t need to be a huge thing. However, doing the little things will get you noticed instantly. People will begin recognizing you as a peak performer the second you demand more of yourself than others expect.

3) Get a coach; Every peak performer, again whether we are talking business, sports or the arts, utilize the power of coaching. Coaching gives you an outside perspective you cannot attain on your own. Many times a coach will help you make minor adjustments that will instantly lead you to success.

Everyone needs a fresh perspective, an outside influence. The right coach will inspire, direct, compliment, and literately eliminate years of trial and error learning curves. A good coach is indispensable to peak performance.

4) Imagination; In studying peak performers, one thing is clear, they all make use of there imagination. In variably, people who stand out in their chosen field regularly take time to review, rehearse and literately perform mentally. They prepare their bodies by first preparing their mind’s.

During these mental rehearsals, peak performers focus on one thing and one thing only, a perfect performance. By consistent repetition, sometimes hundreds, or even thousands of times, they create a neuro-pathway in their brains. Their minds are tricked into familiarity. This allows their bodies to perform relaxed and smooth.

Take time daily to devote to your own imagination. Create a perfect scenario in your mind. See it as you would want it to be. Make it real for yourself. Use repetition and make it better each time. Then bring it to life with action.

Achieving peak performance is a science. You now know the peak performance formula. The ingredients are at your disposal. Set them in motion consistently and join the 3% crowd. By doing so you will be at the top of your game, and you will become an inspiration for others.

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