Sunday, January 10, 2010


1 Mukhi Rudraksha
Mantra : Om Hreem Namaha
Diety : "Om"
Suggested for :Those who need power to concentrate the mind on an object.It gets ones mental structure changed and he begins to feel renunciation from the worldly affairs and naturally inclines towards GOD

2 Mukhi Rudraksha
Mantra : Om Namaha
Diety : Cancer
Suggested for : Those who are lazy, want to start new work, wants unity in all relations.

3 Mukhi Rudraksha
Mantra : Om Kleem Namaha
Deity : Brahma Vishnu Mahesha
Suggested for : Those who want to clear all sins and to lead the life of purity with success.

4 Mukhi Rudraksha
Mantra : Om Hreem Namaha
Deity : Four Veda, Goddess Saraswati
Suggested for : Students, Writers, Artists.

5 Mukhi Rudraksha
Mantra : Om Hreem Namaha
Deity : Five Pandava, five tatva.
Suggested for : Everybody for all achievements in life ie; health, wealth and money.

6 Mukhi Rudraksha
Mantra : Om Hreem Hum Namaha
Deity : Six darshan and Godess Laxmi
Suggested for : Those who needs money and a healthy body. It enhances the male power.

7 Mukhi Rudraksha
Mantra : Om Hum Namaha
Deity : Seven Seas.
Suggested for : Kings, ministers, writers and orators. Wearer of this Rudraksha becomes contended and satisfied for the whole life.

8 Mukhi Rudraksha
Mantra : Om Hum Namaha
Deity : Eight Mountains
Suggested for : Those who face many obstacles and are unlucky. It bless the wearer with intelligence and extreme luck for money.

9 Mukhi Rudraksha
Mantra : Om Hreem Namaha
Deity : Goddess Durga (Shakti), Nine powers.
Suggested for : Those who need power self confidence, success, protection and success in meditation. Removes Kaala Sarpa Yoga

10 Mukhi Rudraksha
Mantra : Om Hreem Namaha Namaha
Diety : Lord Mahavishnu
Suggested for : those who are devoted to Narayana and those who need behavioral skills, prosperity, protection and all comforts.

11 Mukhi Rudraksha
Mantra : Om Hreem Hum Namaha
Deity : Lord Hanumaan
Suggested for : those who are affected with evil or who require success in any difficult task.

12 Mukhi Rudraksha
Mantra : Om Kraum Kshaum Raum Namaha
Deity : Twelve Pantha
Suggested for : those who needs fame and rise in all field and blessing of twelve Pantha and Brahma, Vishnu and maheshwara

13 Mukhi Rudraksha
Mantra : Om Hreem Namaha
Deity : 13 Ratnas (Gems)
Diesease Cure : those who need all prosperity, perfect family life, disease free body and liberation in the end.

14 Mukhi Rudraksha
Mantra : Om Namah Shivaya
Deity : 14 skills
Suggested for : those who want to enhance the skill s in all field. Wearer blessed with 14 Skills.

15 Mukhi Rudraksha
Mantra : Om Namah Shivaya
Deity : 15 Tithi
Suggested for : Those who are in Iron and Chemicals Business. Those in the public speaking field.

16 Mukhi Rudraksha
Mantra : Om Namah Shivaya
Deity : 16 Attainments
Suggested for : Administrators and Managers.

17 Mukhi Rudraksha
Mantra : Om Namah Shivaya
Deity : Goddess Mother Seeta
Suggested for : those who require luxury, leisure and comforts in life. ( life like a king).

18 Mukhi Rudraksha
Mantra : Om Namah Shivaya
Deity : Eighteen Herbs
Suggested for : Those in Ayurveda,Chemicals and cloths business. Those who require a disease free body.

19 Mukhi Rudraksha
Mantra : Om Namah Shivaya
Deities : Shiva, Parvati and Ganesha.
Suggested for : Those who need overall success in life and blessing of family

20 Mukhi Rudraksha
Mantra : Om Namah Shivaya
Deity : Saint
Suggested for : those who are devoted to God.

21 Mukhi Rudraksha
Mantra : Om Namah Shivaya
Deity : Almighty God or Omkar (Om)
Suggested for : Everybody who want to live total life successfully and in the end liberate.

Friday, January 8, 2010

"Hypnotic Rapport".

A close and harmonious relationship in
which two or more people understand each
other's feelings and ideas, and can
communicate well."

It's often said that with rapport,
anything is possible.

Hypnotic Rapport has been around as long as
human beings have, because it's a side effect of trance.
No one fully understands what it is yet,but we know that it happens and we know that it's incredibly powerful.
Basically, whenever someone goes into a trance around you, when they come back
they'll bring with them a deeper sense of connection with you and your unconscious mind.
There's a deepened sense of trust and a real sense of comfort in your company.And this is a very, very powerful side-effect of simply helping someone else go into a trance and come back again.
One of the things that occurs is that you get an unconscious connection.What happens when two people connect unconsciously is that they begin to explore thoughts and ideas that they
didn't even know they had up until that moment in time.I originally stumbled across this idea
of Hypnotic Rapport when I was a young boy.
My parents hosted many dinner parties and as a result I got to meet many different
people.I noticed that with some of the peopleI met, I felt comfortable and at ease.With others that was not the case.This intrigued me and I wanted to know what made the difference.
Over the years I came to understand how some people could create an almost instant rapport with a complete stranger.
A rapport so strong that someone would feel like they've known you for years, trust you and feel comfortable around you.Here are the steps to doing this.

Step 1. Firstly, bring to mind a person that you really like and feel good around.
When you get that feeling inside you focus on it and make it grow larger.

Step 2. If the feeling has a colour associated with it, spread that around yourself until you feel that feeling in your entire body.

Step 3. Then imagine it spreading outside your body.Begin to focus your attention on the other
person - the person you want to have instant rapport with.

Step 4. Project that feeling through yourself, and perhaps like a hand, to touch first the outside
of the person and then to move inside connecting the two of you together.

Step 5. While you're doing this, remember to project a sense of goodwill and enjoyment.
It's as simple as that.Then allow your unconscious mind to naturally enter whatever state of matching or mirroring, or whatever it is you want to do, while you get on with the normal conversation or whatever else you were doing.

Now this might sound a little far-fetched but when you try it for yourself I think you'll be
amazed at the results.I once taught this secret to a friend called Brian who wanted to know how I was able to quickly and easily make friends with people I'd never met before.
One night when we were in a bar, I got him to follow the steps outlined above.
He was amazed when very quickly he was able to strike up a conversation with a complete stranger.He was even more amazed when this personwas absolutely convinced that they had met some time previously.The connection and rapport was that strong very quickly.
Being able to create this Hypnotic Rapport is one of the keys to using Conversational
Hypnosis effectively to get what you want.You see, when this close connection exists,
the other person will enjoy it and value it so much that they will want it to continue.
As a result, they will want to please you and be very receptive to your suggestions.
The one condition, of course, is that yoursuggestions should be something that benefits
the other person or at least is not harmful to them.

There are 3 important areas of rapport building you need to know: body gestures, non-verbal clues and mimicking.

When you meet a new person, you ought to present a friendly open gesture. This includes an open-arm gesture, a friendly smile and tonality. Why? Because these are the traits people are subconsciously looking for. If you always look tired or withdrawn from groups, people are not willing to contact you. In fact, during communication, body language is responsible for more than 50% of communication effectiveness. If you maintain a open body manner, people will find it easy to communicate with you. Also remember to always maintain eye contact constantly, as it affects your perceived credibility in others’ views.

When you are communicating with a person, try to look for non-verbal pattern from him or her. Be an observant listener, and respond appropriately to the talker. Making him or her feel listened is particularly important in seduction or sales situation. Look for traits in the body movement and tonality. Does the speak look annoyed or bored? Is the tone dry or vivid? If you can understand the body clues, you can deduce the needs of your partner and adjust your conversation direction.

Mimicking refers to mirroring and matching of your partner’s body pattern. It includes pace of speaking, the words used and body movement. Try to mimic the speaking style and body gestures, and your partner will feel subconsciously comfortable with your presence. The reason is simple, because you are perceived to be inside their group and you appear to understand them. Having a common ground catalysts the communication process and helps you achieve your conversational goal.

Learn to stand upright and position yourself in a openly gesture. Look for non-verbal clues to identify a common ground. And mimic your partner’s body language. With these in your mind, you will find it much easier to meet people or even complete strangers. With improvement in rapport, leadership and charisma will gradually build up.