Sunday, January 10, 2010


1 Mukhi Rudraksha
Mantra : Om Hreem Namaha
Diety : "Om"
Suggested for :Those who need power to concentrate the mind on an object.It gets ones mental structure changed and he begins to feel renunciation from the worldly affairs and naturally inclines towards GOD

2 Mukhi Rudraksha
Mantra : Om Namaha
Diety : Cancer
Suggested for : Those who are lazy, want to start new work, wants unity in all relations.

3 Mukhi Rudraksha
Mantra : Om Kleem Namaha
Deity : Brahma Vishnu Mahesha
Suggested for : Those who want to clear all sins and to lead the life of purity with success.

4 Mukhi Rudraksha
Mantra : Om Hreem Namaha
Deity : Four Veda, Goddess Saraswati
Suggested for : Students, Writers, Artists.

5 Mukhi Rudraksha
Mantra : Om Hreem Namaha
Deity : Five Pandava, five tatva.
Suggested for : Everybody for all achievements in life ie; health, wealth and money.

6 Mukhi Rudraksha
Mantra : Om Hreem Hum Namaha
Deity : Six darshan and Godess Laxmi
Suggested for : Those who needs money and a healthy body. It enhances the male power.

7 Mukhi Rudraksha
Mantra : Om Hum Namaha
Deity : Seven Seas.
Suggested for : Kings, ministers, writers and orators. Wearer of this Rudraksha becomes contended and satisfied for the whole life.

8 Mukhi Rudraksha
Mantra : Om Hum Namaha
Deity : Eight Mountains
Suggested for : Those who face many obstacles and are unlucky. It bless the wearer with intelligence and extreme luck for money.

9 Mukhi Rudraksha
Mantra : Om Hreem Namaha
Deity : Goddess Durga (Shakti), Nine powers.
Suggested for : Those who need power self confidence, success, protection and success in meditation. Removes Kaala Sarpa Yoga

10 Mukhi Rudraksha
Mantra : Om Hreem Namaha Namaha
Diety : Lord Mahavishnu
Suggested for : those who are devoted to Narayana and those who need behavioral skills, prosperity, protection and all comforts.

11 Mukhi Rudraksha
Mantra : Om Hreem Hum Namaha
Deity : Lord Hanumaan
Suggested for : those who are affected with evil or who require success in any difficult task.

12 Mukhi Rudraksha
Mantra : Om Kraum Kshaum Raum Namaha
Deity : Twelve Pantha
Suggested for : those who needs fame and rise in all field and blessing of twelve Pantha and Brahma, Vishnu and maheshwara

13 Mukhi Rudraksha
Mantra : Om Hreem Namaha
Deity : 13 Ratnas (Gems)
Diesease Cure : those who need all prosperity, perfect family life, disease free body and liberation in the end.

14 Mukhi Rudraksha
Mantra : Om Namah Shivaya
Deity : 14 skills
Suggested for : those who want to enhance the skill s in all field. Wearer blessed with 14 Skills.

15 Mukhi Rudraksha
Mantra : Om Namah Shivaya
Deity : 15 Tithi
Suggested for : Those who are in Iron and Chemicals Business. Those in the public speaking field.

16 Mukhi Rudraksha
Mantra : Om Namah Shivaya
Deity : 16 Attainments
Suggested for : Administrators and Managers.

17 Mukhi Rudraksha
Mantra : Om Namah Shivaya
Deity : Goddess Mother Seeta
Suggested for : those who require luxury, leisure and comforts in life. ( life like a king).

18 Mukhi Rudraksha
Mantra : Om Namah Shivaya
Deity : Eighteen Herbs
Suggested for : Those in Ayurveda,Chemicals and cloths business. Those who require a disease free body.

19 Mukhi Rudraksha
Mantra : Om Namah Shivaya
Deities : Shiva, Parvati and Ganesha.
Suggested for : Those who need overall success in life and blessing of family

20 Mukhi Rudraksha
Mantra : Om Namah Shivaya
Deity : Saint
Suggested for : those who are devoted to God.

21 Mukhi Rudraksha
Mantra : Om Namah Shivaya
Deity : Almighty God or Omkar (Om)
Suggested for : Everybody who want to live total life successfully and in the end liberate.

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