Saturday, June 20, 2009

5 steps to fix your financial woes...

i. Knowledge

Find out everything you can about your own in/out cash flow. If more money is going out than coming in, you need to do something about it immediately.

ii. Have A Plan

Sometimes all it takes is to evaluate your spending habits. Say "no" flashy things and sleazy salesmen. Count every cost you incur for a month and you will eventually discover where you should cut your expenses.

iii. Self-discipline

Once you have a plan. STICK TO IT. Tell yourself that when your financial situation improves, your quality of life will follow suit. Once you're out of the quagmire of debt, everything looks better.

iv. Education

Learn, and not just about money but about yourself. Are you spending because you're depressed or fearful? Getting in touch with yourself will solve many of your financial problems.

v. Action

Once you learn, act on it. Remain vigilant until your goal is achieved - that is financial security or being debt free.

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