Friday, June 19, 2009

Cool Things to do with BING

Microsoft has finally got something right. After Vista and Windows 7 that failed to keep up with the buzz, Microsoft’s new search engine Bing is live!

After playing around with Bing, I felt that Bing is a bit more intelligent than Google. Though the search results are pretty much comparable, so much thought has been put into the presentation and navigation.

Besides the basic Search, Bing comes with some great features. Here are some cool stuffs worth trying out.

Will Bing Change the way you Search?

Snippets From within Search Results

When you hover over any search result, a small bar with a bubble appears. Hover over the bubble to get a preview of the landing page and links to relevant pages on the site.Hover over Search Results and Preview Results

Search Images Like never before

Bing image search is so intelligent that it can differentiate between a photograph and an illustration. The similar images link that pops up when you hover over any image brings you closely similar related images.

Bing Image Search Options

Bing Image Search Options

Similar Images in Bing

Similar Images in Bing

Track Celebrities with Bing xRank

Bing xRank is like Google Trends for Celebrities. Based on the queries from Bing users, the search engine will track popular people, and rank them. xRank is a one-stop info box about the person. News results, Image results, Video results are presented along with Biography, and other relevant links to digg more. Read more about xRank.

Bing xRank Results for Britney Spears

Bing xRank Results for Britney Spears

Watch Video Previews within Search Results

Search for a Video and watch previews of the videos from within the search results page by hovering over each video. For a video Zonker, Bing Video Search is gonna save a lot of time. Try it out.

Bing Video Search - Watch Videos Inline

Bing Video Search - Watch Videos Inline

Bing Webmaster Center – Submit your sitemap

Bing is definitely gonna catchup, all the optimizations we used to use for Google will now have to be done for Bing too. Start off early by submitting your site to Bing Webmaster Center.

Bing Webmaster Center

Bing Webmaster Center

Bing Sounds Promising…

So far, Bing looks like a Google killer. Anyway, after a series of setbacks with crappy Windows Vista and a bunch of useless software’s, Microsoft must be glad with their new product. Finally, persistence pays off!

Did you like Bing? :)

Jai ho BING

Submit your Site to Bing :

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